Cardiology Residency Position 2023

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Thank you for your interest in a position with Veterinary Cardiologists Australia.

Veterinary Cardiologists Australia (VCA) is offering a three-year American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM)-approved cardiology residency training program beginning on August 7th, 2023.

About this role
The residency program aims to facilitate successful specialist certification of the resident through the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Cardiology subspecialty) and/or the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists.

This will be achieved through participation in all aspects of the cardiology service provided by VCA and training in noninvasive diagnostic skills (echocardiography, in-house and ambulatory electrocardiography), interventional cardiology (cardiac catheterization, diagnostic angiocardiography, balloon valvuloplasty, transvascular patent ductus arteriosus occlusion, temporary and permanent transvenous pacemaker implantation).

Details regarding certification are outlined in the ACVIM Certification Manual, which can be accessed online at

The cardiology resident will work closely with three ABVC-registered specialist cardiologists (ACVIM and FANZCVS- qualified).

About Us
VCA is the only hospital-based (non-mobile), multi-cardiologist group in Australia and operates from a large, comprehensive, multi-disciplinary referral hospital group in South East Queensland (Veterinary Specialist Services) alongside services including Emergency and Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Radiology, Surgery, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Anaesthesia, Physiotherapy, Behaviour and Dentistry.

Residency opportunities
VCA is also involved in undergraduate teaching of veterinary students at the University of Queensland, Gatton. The resident will be expected to participate in clinical service at all locations and will have primary case responsibility including care for hospitalized patients and outpatients.

Didactic rounds include cardiology and medicine journal club, physiology rounds, graphic/ cardiac pathology rounds, and topic-based presentations. The resident will present a lecture or tutorial to the hospital 2-4 times per year.

The resident must also perform a retrospective or prospective research project within the timespan of the program for abstract presentation at the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists College Science Week or ACVIM and prepare a manuscript for publication.

About You
VCA seeks a candidate is who has a high maturity level, is hard-working, self-motivated and passionate about providing a high level of compassionate care to referral cardiology patients and their owners.

The successful candidate must be eligible for General Veterinary Registration by the Queensland Veterinary Surgeons Registration Board. Remuneration is from $AUD78,000 p.a.

How to apply
Applications have now closed. We thank you for your interest in a position with Veterinary Cardiologists Australia.

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